The Ancestors Are Coming

I’ve been called a baby killer. Never thought I’d choose #abortion, until I did. And ladies, it was the worst decision I’ve ever made in my life. The trauma it caused my mind, emotions, and spirit I’ll never forget. I wept for days afterwards. It didn’t feel right. It took a lot of self reflection, #wombwellness #healing and confessions of this sin to heal the pains of that #hasty #choice I shared the experience in my first book #LoveOverflow in hopes of giving context to another in this position. 🇺🇸

My teachers since 2005 and 2010

I decided to post it today in celebration of the #RoevWade case being overturned. Our families need resources and options, but that #Murder #Suicide is a truly toxic option that does bruise your soul in my opinion. I released a pregnancy the summer after I finished college. #2003 The guy I was too comfortable with wouldn’t even return my phone calls after I told him I was #preggo I didn’t want to be a #BabyMama but ended up being a #SingleMother almost 20 years later anyway. And to be honest, motherhood for the passed 16.5 years has been one of the greatest gifts of my life. I can’t even imagine life without these seeds. It’s also one of the hardest jobs, but I promise when you tap in to source your village will be revealed and you don’t have to do life alone as a mother. My children are my teachers. There’s wisdom I’m living without right now because I didn’t embrace that teacher that was attempting to come through me in 03. I like to think the soul I released came back to me in my children somehow. But actually, only God knows. 

Still today, I’m celebrating all the ancestors getting ready to touch down without distractions or detours. We’re ready to embrace you. And Most High, if it’s your will to enrich my life with another child in my forties, tell my husband I like #Seamoss smoothies and sushi burritos on the regular!❣️

Midwives, doulas,and birth workers . . . it’s our time to prepare for their arrival. #TheAncestorsAreComing














The Call to Midwifery

What has led you to midwifery?

After the home birth of my second child, I knew for sure that it was an amazingly empowering experience and all mothers deserved to know that this opportunity was available to them.  I began to soak up everything I could about birth and all roads pointed to, “Be the change you want to see.”  So here I am.  I had the honor of being one of the women who participated in the Quantum Midwifery for women of color in 2013. Immediately I discovered that the language of  The Matrona was not only familiar to me, intuitively I could feel that it was the avenue that would best awaken the Midwife within.

What gifts and talents do you feel that you bring to the vocation of midwifery?

I am a motivated & determined woman on a quest of continual self mastery.  As a lifetime learner I enjoy sharing knowledge that may be able to enhance the lives of others.  I recognize that I know everything and at the same time nothing at all! Coming to this place helped me to know when the student is ready the teacher will appear.  It goes both was for me, as I am forever the student and often times the teacher as well. I am well organized and a natural born activist.  I see myself traveling the world dancing, witnessing births, supporting families, exposing my children to different cultures and sharing the gift of sustainable living along the way.

How do you expect your practice will evolve?

One woman at a time.  About a month after my introduction to Quantum Midwifery, I received a phone call from a mom adamant to birth at home.  She was a healthy mom, but far from textbook.  She checked many of the personal history boxes that were listed on the application I provided for her, which i concluded was the universe giving me the opportunity to quit. Instead I told her I was a student and we forged forward towards her birth.  It was amazing to see her evolve into a mother, but more so to see her become fortified through her decision making.  The sychronicity was spirit led and she and I ended up taking that walk together 6 months after we met.  It was a major lesson for me on this journey.  It taught me that I need to increase my toolbox a bit more and surround myself with other birth workers for support my initiative. “No man is an island.” But most of all this birth experience taught me that I was built for this.  If I could do it alone with a mom using minimum supplies, I could most assuredly do it with a birth bag full of goodies. Since then I energetically closed the door to working with moms on that level and began to do more doula support. At the end of the day though… I long for the clinical knowledge to couple the support.  I am certain that once I open that door of availability again, I will be drawn to other women who need the knowledge, love and care that I have to offer.

What are your spiritual beliefs and practices and how have they evolved?

I am a Spiritual-Hybrid.  Our family has a Wholistic Living Ministry where we work with families of various spiritual backgrounds and build community. I wake up each day grateful and looking to find the loving, orgasmic laughter that can sometimes be hidden beneath the layers of life.  I look to use my gifts, skills and talents to further to evolution of humanity and have some fun along the way.  In my 33 years I have evolved from a, “Oh let me school you” personality type to, “If you ask the right question I may share one of my jewels with you.  I now recognize that my jewels may just be a rock to another and I can’t take that personal.  I honor my benevolent ancestors and all those bold and beauty filled beings who have paved the way before me. Those who express their truth and follow the guides of spirit.

Why have you chosen to study at The Matrona?

As I spoke of in the first response… everything that has led me to Midwifery has also brought me to the Matrona.  I’ve considered other paths to Midwifery. Still the language and structure of knowledge within this program is like reconnecting to ancestral wisdom.  I am humbled to have crossed paths with this school of study.  It has taken me two years of self study to be in this amazing place of welcoming a new phase of my existence.  Pushing out of the norm into being who I really am.  I am a Midwife. I am claiming it and ready to do the work both internally and externally to bring this into my reality.

With love, honor and gratitude,

Sadiya Kiburi, Student Midwife

Embrace Birth

Story of an Elder Midwife

As a student midwife we look to the elders in this field for guidance.  This is a phenomenal story of elder Midwife Mama Sarahn as she journeyed as a midwife. I was honored to meet her in 2013 at a Midwifery conference in Atlanta. I was stoked when I actually had the opportunity to ride in what I call her “baby-mobile”. She has such a calming and peaceful energy grounded in truth and appreciation for the traditional culture of midwifery.  Thank you Mama Sarahn and all the other elder Midwives still doing this work, for your dedication and openness to teach and share. We are grateful and we love you.


I look forward to archiving the present journey of midwifery as well.   Enjoy this presentation and check out her site 

Embracing our Orgasmic Power

Many women are pregnant or have several children and do not or did not experience orgasm to create those children.  No need to worry about the past, yet it is important to realize the spirit soul beings that we have the opportunity to bring forth when we are in a heightened orgasmic space during conception.  Birthing the future by bringing down heaven and Embracing our Orgasmic Power is our birth right. Know that before, after and even during pregnancy we have the opportunity to use this power as a healing mechanism for our temple as well as that of our mate, and especially our babies within. During our moments of bliss this energy is transferred to our babies as well. What brings us joy, brings the life within bliss as well;)

Did you know there is even healing in our orgasmic sound. Even the nectar that comes forth through our mouths during those sacred moments… its much more than drool, it is liquid gold. The saying goes, “Heal a wombman, Heal a nation.” Well the key way to heal a wombman is through reminding her of her Orgasmic Power. Too often in this society and many places around the globe, our power is seen as weaker or less than that of the man. There is no competition and we need not try to EQUAL our male counterparts. All we have to do is be our true higher selves… and it will heal all those around us! Just think how swiftly we will change the world once we know ourselves. Through Egging and facing our often limited beliefs of sensuality and intimacy we can thrive as a hueman family. Still we need the support of our mates to truly reach this goal. Maybe the stereotype of the “Angry Black Wombman” is linked to lack of orgasmic experience. Something to consider. Time to get busy… Know thy Self.

Here is a break down of our power by Baba Elder Shantam Nityama.

Healthy Teeth for Healthy Babies

If you are having pain in your teeth during pregnancy fear not. You can still heal and remineralize them. This is simply a sign that you have some calcium blockages among other minerals that are causing your teeth to weaken. During this time of pregnancy your baby is extracting all the nutrients it can from your vitamin and mineral stores… Your task is to make sure you have whole food supplements or that you are eating balanced meals and snacks along with high levels of protein during your pregnancy.  At this time my research suggests organic eggs and grass fed raw milk has the best excellent whole foods for expectant mothers.  Those who restrain from animal products must be reminded that indigenous cultures around the planet used animal foods to sustain them. It is cheap and easy to provide with awesome benefits.

Mental Affirmations to support your physical healing:

Pain- Probable Cause: Guilt. Guilt always seeks punishment
New Thought Pattern: I lovingly release the past. They are free and I am free. ALL is well in my heart now.
Teeth Issues– Probable Cause: Long-standing indecisiveness. Inability to break down ideas for analysis and decisions.
New Thought Pattern: I make my decisions based on the principles of truth, and I rest securely knowing that only right action is taking place in my life.
Excerpts from “Heal Your Body” By Louise Hay.

Have you ever heard of the natural toothbrush? Well vitamin C has been found to be the best tooth brush available to us, ie. Citrus fruits. Eating foods high in vitamin C is essential to keeping your teeth and gum line healthy and clean. Other foods that can be used for increase of calcium in your system are fish and RAW dairy products, According to the Wise Woman Herbal, by Susan Weed. She specifically lists, “…salmon, sardines, mackerael, seaweed (especially kelp), sesame salt, tahini and dark leafy greens such as turnip tops, beet greens, and kale.” These are all excellent foods to create various meal and snack options for your growing baby.

On the other hand wise women remind us that some foods can interfere with the absorption of calcium: “spinach, chocolate, rhubarb, and brewer’s yeast. Additional the Weston A. Price Foundation suggests that our mispreparation of oats and grains which have Phytic Acid in it causes our bodies to block iron absorption among other minerals and tends to leave the body nutrient depleted.  Learn how to soak your grains, legumes, nuts, seeds and oats before cooking/consuming in order to break down the phytic acid and allow the body to absorb all the nutrients available in our food.

When you find teeth issues arising during your pregnancy this is a RED FLAG that must be addressed immediately. It is vital that you take the time to learn what foods you should increase and which foods to avoid. The good news is you do not have to say goodbye to your teeth, rather you can tell them it is time to remineralize. And that you will be doing your part to provide Raw Milk, Fermented Cod liver oil and other nutrient rich foods for healthy teeth to your livety. You can do it. Remineralize Healthy TEETH for a Healthy Baby.

The following video is of Ramiel (Author of Cure Tooth Decay) who will share a protocol based on ancient wisdom from the world’s indigenous cultures; a program that can be over 90% effective in halting and preventing tooth cavities without dental surgery or chemicals.

Home Birth After Cesarean (HBAC)

Many women wonder if they can journey into natural birth after a cesarean, let alone have a home birth. Of course all things are possible and despite the high rate of c-sections around the globe many families are making the conscious decision to choose home birth their next go around.  How liberated they must feel to experience their bodies taking the steps through labor.  It may be intense, but the journey is bound to bring forth a beautiful gift… sometimes even a Moonbeam;)